Fitchue, John Wesly

Denver, Arkansas, January 24, 1889
Date of Death:
August 15, 1919
Hero Bio:
John Wesly Fitchue was born in Denver, Arkansas, January 24th, 1889. When a boy of seventeen years he left home for the West where he could find employment on the great cattle ranges. Accordingly, he drove cattle and “broke” horses in several Western states, coming at last to Nevada to make his home. Here he located at Eagle Rock, in the range country of Elko County, and continued his riding. On September 22d, 1917, he entered the service at Elko, and entrained with the County Contingent for Camp Lewis, Washington. There he was placed at once in Headquarters Company, 348th Field Artillery.
The regiment went overseas on July 15th, 1918, as a part of the 91st Division. Leaving the rest of the division, the 348th went south into Puy-de-Dome for artillery range work and a course in the Artillery Training Center No. 3, at Clermont-Ferrand. While there Private Fitchue’s health began to fail and he was invalided home on October 25th, and sent to a hospital in Denver, Colorado. However, every effort to save his life proved unavailing, and after a losing fight, he passed away on the 15th of August, 1919, at the Denver, Colorado, hospital. He now lies buried at his old home town, Denver, Arkansas, but his memory lives, ever fresh in the hearts of Nevadans. He leaves his parents, Egbert and Bettie Fitchue, of Alpena Pass, Arkansas, and his brothers, Jim, Willis, Charley, and Perry Fitchue, all of Alpena Pass; and his sisters, Mrs. Ella Molder and Mrs. Josie Seals, Alpena Pass, and Mrs. Mollie Nance, Green Forest , Arkansas.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Headquarters Company 348th Field Artillery 91st Division